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Drupal Development

Migrate from drush_cmi_tools for Drupal 9

Prior to Drupal 9, Drush CMI Tools was our standard approach for config management. Drush CMI tools have been deprecated for Drupal 9 and replaced by the Config Ignore 3 community-supported project that provides the same functionality.

How to debug Redis Exceptions in Drupal

Caching issues can be one of the hardest things to track down in a website. This is especially the case when you have external caches involved that can't be entirely replicated on a local stack, like AWS's ElastiCache Redis in clustered mode!

Join us at the DrupalGov 2020 Code Sprint

This year DrupalGov is virtual. The PreviousNext team is sponsoring and helping to run the DrupalGov 2020 Sprint Day on Wednesday 4 November, and there are a few things you can do now to hit the ground running on the day.

Using the Drupal Diff Component in Custom Forms

Drupal 8 comes with a Diff component in core. It's mainly used for showing changes to configuration or content revisions. However, it can be used in other ways too. Here are some quick steps to show how to use the Diff component in your custom forms or controllers.