Lee RowlandsSenior Developer
Drupal 8 comes with a new guided help API in the form of the Tour module. PreviousNext put a lot of effort into getting this module into Drupal 8 core prior to feature freeze and are excited by the possibilities it presents to ease the learning curve for new Drupal site-builders.
In part 1 of this post - we told the tale of how this module came to fruition. In this post, part 2, we provide examples of how you can add tour module support to your modules and talk about some of the advanced features of the API.
In case you haven't yet read part 1 of this series on tour.module, tour module provides a context-sensitive guided tour of the main parts of a given Drupal user interface. It is powered by the JQuery Joyride plugin and allows site builders and module-developers the ability to provide focussed help to target elements on the page. If all of that sounds a bit wordy, here's a screencast of it in action.
So, how do you go about writing tour integration for your core or contrib module? Well it is as simple as creating a yml file in your module's config folder.
Let's consider an example from the 'Write tour integration for forum module' issue.
The yaml for the add/edit forum pages is named tour.tour.forum-containern.yml, which follows the module.type.id.yml pattern. So for example if you wanted to provide a tip for a 'configure pants' form in your module, you might name your file tour.tour.configure-pants.yml.
The forum add/edit yml looks like this:
id: forum-container label: Add or Edit a forum container langcode: en paths: - admin/structure/forum/add/container - admin/structure/forum/edit/container/* tips: introduction: id: introduction plugin: text label: Adding or Editing a container body: <p>This form can be used to edit an existing container or add a new container to your site.</p><p>Containers are used to group forums together. For example if you ran a Drupal forum you might create a 'Support' container and include forums for 'Installing Drupal' and 'Getting started' inside the 'Support' Container</p> weight: "1" container-name: id: container-name plugin: text label: Container name body: Enter a name to identify this container. Eg 'Support' weight: "2" attributes: data-id: edit-name container-description: id: container-description plugin: text label: Container description body: Give your container a description to help identify the purpose of the container and the types of forum it will contain. You can also use the container description to provide guidelines for other site administrators to help them decide which container a new forum might belong in. weight: "3" attributes: data-id: edit-description container-parent: id: container-parent plugin: text label: Container parent body: If you wish to nest your containers, select the parent container here. If you don't require nesting, choose <root>. weight: "4" attributes: data-id: edit-parent-0 container-weight: id: container-weight plugin: text label: Container weight body: <p>Use the weight field to alter the order in which containers are displayed. Use a lower number to move a container to the top of the list.</p><p>E.g. if you have two containers, one with weight of -5 and one with weight of 5, the one with the -5 weight will be displayed first.</p><p>Items with the same weight are sorted alphabetically.</p> weight: "5" attributes: data-id: edit-weight container-save: id: container-save plugin: text label: Save body: When you have finished completing the form, click 'Save' to create the new container or save the changes to an existing container. weight: "6" attributes: data-id: edit-submit container-delete: id: container-delete plugin: text label: Delete body: Use this button to delete your container. You will be required to confirm you wish to delete the container before it is actually deleted. weight: "7" attributes: data-id: edit-delete
The yaml consists of a few key properties as follows
Tip types leverage the core plugin system and implement a TipPluginInterface. Core ships with a 'text' plugin and there is an 'image' plugin used in tests. But as it is plugin-based, any module can create a new plugin that implements the API. So things like Youtube videos or other rich interactions can easily be achieved via the API.
So lets look at the text plugin configuration as seen in the forum yml above
container-delete: id: container-delete plugin: text label: Delete body: Use this button to delete your container. You will be required to confirm you wish to delete the container before it is actually deleted. weight: "7" attributes: data-id: edit-delete
This configuration defines a tip for the delete button on the forum edit page. The keys are fairly self-explanatory -
action-links a[href="/admin/structure/forum/add/forum"]which would be parsed by joyride into '.action-links a[href="/admin/structure/forum/add/forum"]'
If you find you need to do something more advanced than show a text tip, eg you need some additional parameters or logic, you will need to create tip plugin by implementing the TipPluginInterface. See the tour_test module for an example - it contains an image plugin that renders an image instead of text, taking a 'url' configuration key instead of a body.
Nick and Tim Plunkett are already busy working on a Tour UI module so creating these yaml files is a simple site-building experience. This will also mean that new contributors can easily contribute tour yml files for core modules too. If you'd like to help, get in touch via the issue queue or on irc.
We need your help to write tour integration for core modules before the code freeze. There is a meta issue. If you want to help please get in touch either via the issue queue or on irc.