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Owen Lansbury

Owen Lansbury

Co-Founder & Chair


Owen has worked for global digital firms since the early 1990s before co-founding PreviousNext in 2009. With a background in user experience design, his focus these days is on sustainable business and open source community management. He was a founder of the DrupalSouth Steering Committee and was appointed to the global Drupal Association Board of Directors in 2019, acting as Chair since late 2023.

My blog posts

How can free open source CMSes remain competitive with enterprise clients?

With Drupal now heavily used in the enterprise market by very large organisations, much of its direct competition is from well-funded proprietary products. From the perspective of my role on the Drupal Association board, I gave a talk at FOSDEM in February 2024 on the strategies and initiatives the Drupal community is starting to put in place to remain competitive in the enterprise market and how these approaches can be shared by other open source projects. 

by Owen Lansbury /

Work/Life at PreviousNext

Take a peek inside to see what it's like to work at PreviousNext! We're opening up our handbook so you can see how we work together and the benefits we all enjoy.

by Owen Lansbury /

Keeping the engine running in uncertain times

Like many companies, PreviousNext didn't expect the Coronavirus crisis to hit so hard or quick, nor did we anticipate the rapid effects on the global economy. However, we have always run our company based on sustainable principles, so feel well prepared to deal with what's coming over the next few months. We hope sharing our approach might help others weather the coming storm too!

by Owen Lansbury /

PreviousNext's Open Source Contribution Policies and Initiatives for the Drupal Community

PreviousNext builds open source digital platforms for large scale customers, primarily based on Drupal and hosted using Kubernetes, two of the world’s biggest open source projects. With our business reliant on the success of these open source projects, our company is committed to contributing where we can in relation to our relatively small size. We get a lot of questions about how we do this, so are happy to share our policies so that other organisations might adopt similar approaches.

by Owen Lansbury /