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The road to zero friction testing with Drupal Test Traits

by michael.strelan /

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Video: Testing can seem complicated, too much effort or a waste of time. It doesn’t have to be! I’ll show you how to reduce friction and get the most out of Drupal Test Traits.

Drupal Test Traits is a composer package that allows you to run tests against an existing Drupal site with user content in place. This approach differs from traditional PHPUnit tests that require you to mock up an environment to test individual functionality.

In the video, I take you through the following ways to reduce the friction commonly experienced with traditional testing processes:

  • Getting started with Drupal Test Traits
  • Writing your first test
  • Building a library of project-specific traits
  • Maximising your test suite’s performance and reliability
  • Fostering a test culture in your development team

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