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Drupal 8

Using the Drupal Diff Component in Custom Forms

Drupal 8 comes with a Diff component in core. It's mainly used for showing changes to configuration or content revisions. However, it can be used in other ways too. Here are some quick steps to show how to use the Diff component in your custom forms or controllers.

Jibran IjazSenior Drupal Developer

Using Drupal's Entity Definition Update Manager to add bundle support to an existing content entity

On a client project we were using a custom Drupal content entity to model some lightweight reusable content.

The content entity was originally single use and did not support bundles (e.g. node entities have node-type bundles).

As the project evolved, we needed to add bundle support for the custom entity-type, despite it already being in production use.

Read on to find out how we achieved this.

Removing jQuery from your Drupal theme

In a previous article Using ES6 in your Drupal Components, we discussed writing our javascript using the modern ES6 methods and transpiling down for older browsers. It still used jQuery as an interim step to make the process of refactoring existing components a little easier. But let's go all the way now and pull out jQuery, leaving only modern, vanilla javascript.

Creating a custom LinkIt matcher plugin

In one of our recent projects, our client made a request to use LinkIt module to insert file links to content from the group module.  However, with the added distinction of making sure that only content that is in the same group as the content they are editing is suggested in the matches.

Here’s how we did it.

Pasan GamageDrupal Developer

Ok Drupal - talking to Drupal

In November 2017 I presented at Drupal South on using Dialogflow to power conversational interfaces with Drupal.

The video and slides are below, the demo in which I talk to Drupal starts in the first minute.

Safely extending Drupal 10 plugin classes without fear of constructor changes

From time to time you may find you need to extend another module's plugins to add new functionality.

You may also find you need to alter the signature of the constructor in order to inject additional dependencies.

However plugin constructors are considered internal in Drupal's BC policy.

So how do you safely do this without introducing the risk of breakage if things change.

In this article we'll show you a quick trick learned from Search API module to avoid this issue.