Lee RowlandsSenior Developer
Friday February 14th is the DrupalSouth Code Sprint, and PreviousNext are descending en masse to Wellington, New Zealand, to participate.
As a team we've been discussing what we'd like to sprint on. We've collectively agreed that the sprint would be an opportune time to work on porting some of our favourite contrib modules to Drupal 8.
Read on to find out our plans and how you can get involved.
Are you coming to the Drupal South code sprint? If you are, the signup form is now open.
Here's your chance to meet some awesome Drupal contributors from Australia and the world.
aGov is our flagship Drupal distribution, tailored for Australian Government it has been a runaway success. The strength of the profile relies on the contributed modules that make up its foundation.
We're keen to see aGov running on Drupal 8 as soon as possible so realise that this depends on porting these modules to Drupal 8.
The modules that make up aGov read like a who's who of the most popular contributed modules.
So in order to get the ball rolling and hopefully identify any issues in core, we're planning on working on porting some of the core contributed modules in aGov to Drupal 8 as part of the Drupal South code sprint.
We plan to do this in a community friendly way using sandbox projects. Our process will look like so:
We think this gives sprinters maximum velocity but also does it in a manner that is consultive to the original module author.
As an example, I started this process for the Menu Block module, creating the sandbox here: https://drupal.org/sandbox/larowlan/2169967.
As you can see the commits all reference the main modules meta issue
Some of the modules on the list include
If you're in Wellington on February 14th, why not drop in and give us a hand! And if you're not - join us remotely via irc on #drupal-contribute!