Nick SchuchOperations Lead
Today we are open sourcing m8s (Pronounced just like the thoroughly Australian "Mates"), our tool for building temporary environments as part of our pull request build process.
PreviousNext has a long history with running ephemeral environments as part of our bespoke CI platform, so much so that every time we talk about it we get asked the question "is it open source?", which we have to respond with "sorry, it's a little too custom".
Well no more! Recently we go asked this exact same question from Transport for NSW who were looking for a flexible version of our internal CI. We decided to partner on this project and build an open sourced, Kubernetes-backed version that could work in any CI pipeline you desired.
The M8s CLI / API combo facilitates a workflow desirable by all.
While there are a handful projects on the market that perform similar operations, they are designed for managing a lot of use cases eg. management of long running environments. We aim for m8s to be a small utility to provide features designed for ephemeral environments:
To help you get your m8s voyage under way, we have created documentation for how to:
Welcome to the crew!