Daniel VezaDeveloper
Creating the optimal editorial experience with Layout Builder
Video: how to get the best editorial experience from Layout Builder while keeping the front end consistent. Plus, my recommended enhancement modules.
Layout Builder can be intimidating, but without it, editors can struggle to build dynamic layouts. And paragraphs just won't cut it.
Some people may think twice before using Layout Builder. Sometimes that's because handing over control of the presentation layer of a website poses a barrier for them.
But Layout Builder has evolved, and in fact, I would argue, should be embraced. It's an immediately improved experience that, for instance, lets you preview your page as you're editing it.
In the video below, I cover the modules that can be used to enhance and control the Layout Builder experience. Specifically, Layout Builder Claro, Layout Builder Lock, Layout Builder Restrictions, and Layout Builder Browser.
I also talk about approaches we have taken to empower the content editorial experience while keeping the front end consistent, such as removing the need for editors to know how field formatters work by implementing custom blocks.
For an example of how we've used Layout Builder to improve the editorial experience, check out the summary of our work on the Bond University.
Watch the video
You can also check out my slides from DrupalSouth in Wellington.
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