Lee RowlandsSenior Developer
Welcome to the second edition of Pitchburgh Diaries, a fortnightly update on our progress as we work on our plan for a decoupled Layout Builder using React.
This fortnight we've been focused on completing the API/persistence layer finalized and solidifying the APIs for the front-end components.
But before we get into the details, here's a demo of work so far ✨
Highlights of deliverables for this fortnight:
Our next steps are:
Welcome to the Pitchburgh Diaries, a fortnightly update on our progress as we work on our plan for a decoupled Layout Builder using React.
It’s time to transform and improve the Layout Builder UI experience. What if we could rewrite it using React? Check out our video pitch (made using React), which received the highest average rank in the Pitch-burgh contest at DrupalCon!
Video: how to get the best editorial experience from Layout Builder while keeping the front end consistent. Plus, my recommended enhancement modules.