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Drupal Development

aGov for Drupal 8: First Alpha Release

Since 2012, PreviousNext has been developing and maintaining the aGov distribution for Drupal 7. aGov provides a means for Australian Government organisations to meet their accessibility and security obligations with free and open-source software hosted on the platform of their choice.

In the last few weeks we have been working on the Drupal 8 version, and are happy to announce today the first Alpha release!

In this post we share some of our experiences developing a Drupal 8 distribution.

Lead Drupal Developer

Drupal 8 in Government - Trends from the USA

PreviousNext was recently invited to present on the Australian government’s adoption of Drupal at Drupal GovCon in Washington DC.  The conference was a great success, with over 1,200 attendees discovering how Drupal is providing solutions to complex business challenges for a broad and diverse range of government related organisations.

Government Services Manager

Overriding services in Drupal 8 - advanced cases

Drupal 8 comes with a services based architecture allowing clean dependency injection, separation of concerns and another way to modify how Drupal works without hacking core

You've probably heard that Drupal 8 lets you swap out a core service for your own implementation, hey, I even said it myself here and here, but how do you achieve that?

Read on to find out how to manipulate Drupal 8 services at run-time and how this compares to other popular PHP Frameworks like Laravel, Silex and Symfony

How to index panelizer node pages using Drupal Apache Solr module

Apache Solr Search is a great module for integrating your Drupal site with the powerful Apache Solr search tool. Out of the box it can index nodes and their fields, but Panelizer pages won't be indexed. In this post I show how you can get around this by indexing the rendered HTML of a panelizer node page.

To Alter or Dispatch: Drupal 8 Events versus Alter Hooks

Drupal 8 comes with two extension points for module developers to allow other modules to interact with their code.

The trusty alter hook, the linchpin of Drupal versions past is still there - allowing other modules to interact and intervene in the behaviour of your module.

But there is a new kid on the block, the event system.

So as a module developer how do you decide whether to use the alter system or the event system.

Drupal 8 Critical Office hours

In an effort to continue the velocity of work on Drupal 8 criticals from the Ghent criticals sprint, we've taken it upon ourselves to get together for at least one hour each Friday to focus on Drupal 8 criticals

Read on to find out what we got up to in the first week, but also how you can get involved.

Drupal Testing Roadmap

Recently the patch to bring Mink based testing to drupal core went green. As result of that Lee Rowlands (@larowlan), Nick Schuch (@wesome1989), Adam Hoenich (@djphenaproxima), and myself (@grom358) had a discussion to create a roadmap for improving testing in Drupal core. Here is what we discussed.

Senior Drupal Developer

Updating Panelizer content programmatically

Panelizer is a great module for being able to modify the layout of a page on a per-node basis. However, its greatest strength can sometimes be its greatest weakness. We found this out the hard way when a client asked us to help them add a block on every single page of their site directly beneath the h1 page title. Read on for how we approached this issue.

Senior Developer