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Drupal Development

Vagrant, PHING, core development and automation

At PreviousNext we rely heavily on vagrant for development environments and phing for performing automated tasks to speed up site building and project development. These tools are hugely beneficial in the long run. In this blog we'll have a look at how we as drupal core developers can automate the tedious tasks like site install/ re-install, testing, coding standards validation and enable modules.

Drupal 8 Now: PHPUnit tests in Drupal 7

Drupal 8 comes with built-in support for PHP Unit for unit-testing, the industry standard for unit-tests.

But that doesn't mean you can't use PHP Unit for your testing and CI in Drupal 7, if you structure your code well.

Read on to find out what you need to do to use PHP Unit in Drupal 7.

Using Drupal 8 Condition Plugins API

Although Drupal 8 has had a Conditions Plugin API for a several months, it wasn't until during DrupalCon Austin sprint we managed to get blocks to use the Conditions Plugin API for block visibility.

The great thing about Condition Plugins, is they are re-usable chunks of code, and many contrib projects will be able to take advantage of them (Page Manager, Panels, Rules anyone?)

In this post, I show how you can create an example Page Message module that uses a RequestPath condition plugin to show a message on a configured page.

Writing a custom Drupal Search API processor

When working with the Search API Drupal module, sometimes we need to programmatically add information that is not available for indexing as a field. Lucky we can write our own custom pre-processor to provide this information to the index.

Linking to revisionable files in Drupal 7

Our client had some very specific requirements for their project. They needed to be able to insert links to files and they needed to keep the same URL for those files even if the file changed. Those familiar with Drupal will know that by default, Drupal will suffix the newer version of the filename with _0, _1 etc which obviously breaks the URL. Here's how we worked around the issue...

Senior Developer

Drupal 8 Now: Composer dependencies in Drupal 7

One of the key goals of namespaces in PHP is to avoid collisions between class and function names between different libraries. Using namespaces and the PSR-0/4 standard creates a clean and simple way of sharing code across projects. This is a core part of the Drupal 8 architecture.

This approach has been a large factor in the PHP Renaissance and the huge amount of sharing of code across PHP external libraries.

In this post, I will show how we can leverage external libraries in existing Drupal 7 sites, using similar techniques to how it is being done in Drupal 8.