Displaying notifications when Messages for Symfony Messenger are processedA trio of modules provide a unique experience for sites utilising SM and Symfony Messenger messages: Common Stamps, Pusher Mini, and Toasty. This combination ultimately shows UI toasts in the browser when Symfony messages relevant to the user are processed.Daniel PhinDeveloper
Handling Emails Asynchronously: Integrating Symfony Mailer and MessengerTake advantage of Symfony Mailer’s first-class integration with Symfony Messenger brought to Drupal via the SM project, allowing your site to send emails asynchronously.Daniel PhinDeveloper
Adding real-time processing to QueueWorker pluginsProjects no longer need to rely on unpredictable processing time frames. The SM project can intercept legacy Drupal @QueueWorker items and insert them into the Symfony Messenger message bus, effectively giving existing core and contrib queue workers jobs real-time processing capabilities.Daniel PhinDeveloper
PreviousNext at DrupalSouth Sydney 2024We've compiled a list of PNXers who'll be running sessions at DrupalSouth Sydney — alongside a great line-up of speakers. We can't wait to see you there!Fiona CrowsonHead of Content
Automatic message scheduling and replacing hook_cronSymfony Scheduler provides a viable replacement to hook_cron wherein messages can be scheduled for dispatch at a predefined interval. Messages are dispatched the moment they are scheduled, and there is no message duplication, making tasks more reliable and efficient.Daniel PhinDeveloper
Real-time: Symfony Messenger Consume command and prioritised messagesThe greatest advantage of Symfony Messenger is arguably the ability to send and process messages in a different thread almost immediately. This post covers the worker that powers this functionality.Daniel PhinDeveloper
Symfony Messenger’s message and message handlers and a comparison with @QueueWorkerThis post covers Symfony Messenger’s message and message handlers, which are the day to day code developers using features of Symfony Messenger typically will be working on.Daniel PhinDeveloper
Introducing Symfony Messenger integrations with DrupalPart one in a series of posts introducing Symfony Messenger, its ecosystem, and unique Drupal integrations to Drupal developers.Daniel PhinDeveloper
Improving Drupal with the help of your clientsOur client, ServiceNSW, is a committed open-source contributor, working closely with us to improve their customer experience while sharing these advances with the Drupal community.Adam BramleySenior Developer