Creating a layout plugin with dynamic regionsLayout plugins in Drupal are typically declared via a YML file, with the regions nominated ahead of time. But what happens if you need your regions to be dynamic, such as an arbitrary number of tabs in a tabset? Lee RowlandsSenior Developer
Introducing the Media File Delete moduleThe media and media library modules have improved Drupal's file handling capabilities considerably, but clients commonly request the ability to remove files from disk when removing the associated media entity. This is where the Media file delete module can helpLee RowlandsSenior Developer
Introducing the Filter Format Audit moduleSecuring filter formats is one of the most important tasks when setting up a new site. The Filter Format Audit module makes this task easy. Lee RowlandsSenior Developer
Migrate from drush_cmi_tools for Drupal 9Prior to Drupal 9, Drush CMI Tools was our standard approach for config management. Drush CMI tools have been deprecated for Drupal 9 and replaced by the Config Ignore 3 community-supported project that provides the same functionality.Adam BramleySenior Developer
Introducing the File To Media moduleA new contrib module that makes it easy for content editors to create Media Entities from existing Files.Lee RowlandsSenior Developer
How to debug Redis Exceptions in DrupalCaching issues can be one of the hardest things to track down in a website. This is especially the case when you have external caches involved that can't be entirely replicated on a local stack, like AWS's ElastiCache Redis in clustered mode!Adam BramleySenior Developer
Join us at the DrupalGov 2020 Code SprintThis year DrupalGov is virtual. The PreviousNext team is sponsoring and helping to run the DrupalGov 2020 Sprint Day on Wednesday 4 November, and there are a few things you can do now to hit the ground running on the day.Kim PepperCo-Founder & Tech Director
Stop your builds failing with git pre commit hooksHave you ever happily pushed your latest piece of work ready for others to test only to have it fail the build on coding standards? If so, git pre commit hooks could be your friend!Saul WillersSenior Developer
Testing code that makes HTTP requests in DrupalOn the surface, it may seem like code that uses Guzzle to make HTTP requests will be difficult, however thanks to Guzzle's handler and middleware APIs and Drupal's KernelTestBase, it's not that painful at all.Lee RowlandsSenior Developer